98% automation of customs processes seen this year

98% automation of customs processes seen this year
Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay
  • 98% of customs processes to be automated this year
  • As of end-June, 91.76% of customs processes have been digitized
  • This compares with only 28% in 2014

The Bureau of Customs expects automation of 98% of its processes within the year, Customs Commissioner Rey Leonardo Guerrero in a press conference on July 12.

In a presentation, the Bureau noted that as of end-June, 91.76% of customs processes have already been digitized. This translates to 156 out of 170 customs processes having already been automated. The latest figure compares with only 28% in 2014 (40 out of 144 customs processes automated).

The only systems that have yet to be automated mostly relate to internal processes, according to Guerrero.

Part of achievements reported during the press conference was the Philippines’ improvement in the United Nations Global Survey on Digital and Sustainable Trade Facilitation ranking. By 2021, the Philippines ranked third among Southeast Asian nations on trade facilitation, which includes assessment of paperless trade and cross-border paperless trade capabilities in the overall score.

READ: PH improves score in 2021 UN trade facilitation survey

From a 65.59% trade facilitation score in 2015, the Philippines achieved an 86.02% score in 2021. Paperless trade score improved to 85.19% in 2021 from 7.37% in 2015. Cross-border paperless trade score, on the other hand, rose to 61.11% from 33.3%.

A total of 21 trade regulatory agencies (TRGA) have also been onboarded to TradeNet (National Single Window 2) from 9 in 2016.

READ: 21 PH regulatory agencies now onboard single window platform

TradeNet is a platform for the automated and integrated licensing, permit, clearance, and certification system for TRGAs. It aims to connect all TRGAs to make trade facilitation processes interoperable and efficient. All TRGAs are mandated to get onboard TradeNet pursuant to Memorandum Circular 2021-01.

TradeNet also serves as the country’s NSW, the platform required to connect to the ASEAN Single Window (ASW).

The ASW is a regional initiative to speed up cargo clearance and promote regional economic integration by enabling the electronic exchange of border documents among the 10 ASEAN member states.