21 PH regulatory agencies now onboard single window platform

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay
  • Twenty-one trade regulatory government agencies are now on board TradeNet while the remaining 55 are expected to connect to the platform this year
  • Of the total, four were onboarded in 2020 while 17 started using the platform last year
  • TRGAs use TradeNet for processing applications and issuing certificates, permits, accreditation, and authorization for pilot participating stakeholders

Twenty-one trade regulatory government agencies (TRGA) are already onboard TradeNet, the country’s national single window (NSW), while the remaining agencies are expected to join the platform this year, according to the Bureau of Customs (BOC).

Of the total, four were onboarded in 2020 while 17 started using the platform last year, Customs Commissioner Rey Leonardo Guerrero said in a presentation during a recent Lower House Committee on Ways and Means hearing.

Guerrero said the remaining 55 TRGAs are expected to be onboard TradeNet this year, from a total of 76 that are mandated to use the system.

The 21 agencies are the following:

  • Biodiversity Management Bureau
  • Bureau of Agriculture and Fisheries Standards
  • Bureau of Animal Industry
  • Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources
  • Bureau of Internal Revenue
  • Bureau of Plant Industry
  • Bureau of Quarantine
  • BOC
  • Department of Foreign Affairs-Office of Protocol
  • Department of Trade and Industry-Export Marketing Bureau
  • Fertilizer and Pesticide Authority
  • National Meat Inspection Service
  • National Telecommunications Commission
  • National Tobacco Administration
  • Oil Industry Management Bureau
  • Optical Media Board
  • Philippine Coconut Authority
  • Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency
  • Philippine National Police Firearms and Explosives Office
  • Philippine Nuclear Research Institute
  • Sugar Regulatory Administration

According to various customs memorandum circulars, onboarded TRGAs use TradeNet for processing applications and issuing, among other things, certificates, permits, accreditation and authorization for pilot participating stakeholders.

TradeNet is a platform for the automated and integrated licensing, permit, clearance, and certification system for TRGAs. It aims to connect all TRGAs to make trade facilitation processes interoperable and efficient.

All TRGAs are manded to get onboard TradeNet pursuant to Memorandum Circular 2021-01 issued last year by the Anti-Red Tape Authority, the vice chair for NSW Onboarding Matters.

READ: ARTA orders mandatory integration of regulatory agencies in TradeNet

TradeNet also serves as the country’s NSW, the platform required to connect to the ASEAN Single Window (ASW).

The ASW is a regional initiative to speed up cargo clearance and promote regional economic integration by enabling the electronic exchange of border documents among the 10 ASEAN member states.

TradeNet replaces the NSW Phase 1, which is being operated by BOC since it was launched in 2010 and deployed in 2011. In 2017, the NSW Steering Committee issued a resolution to adopt TradeNet as the new NSW instead.

TradeNet aims to simplify import and export documentary processes covering an initial 7,400 regulated products.

BOC in September last year said it was updating TradeNet’s tariff table to enable the onboarding of TRGAs.

READ: BOC updates TradeNet tariff table for onboarding of trade regulators to NSW

A total of 5,746 commodities with validated ASEAN Harmonized Tariff Nomenclature codes applicable to 34 TRGAs were to be encoded into the TradeNet compatible tariff table, which will be the basis for identifying the required permits, licenses, and certificates issued by each TRGA.