LBC’s 10,000 workers to get COVID-19 vaccine

  • LBC Express is acquiring COVID-19 vaccines for its 10,000 employees nationwide to assist in the fight against the coronavirus disease
  • LBC said that amidst the pandemic, it has managed to maintain its entire workforce and operations—courier, cargo, logistics, and money services—in its more than 1,500 branches and more than 220 warehouses/hubs throughout the country

LBC Express, Inc. is acquiring COVID-19 vaccines for its 10,000 employees nationwide to assist in the fight against the coronavirus disease.

“With the upcoming arrivals of the COVID-19 vaccines from various manufacturers, LBC Express, Inc. looks forward to ensuring its entire workforce the much-needed and much-anticipated vaccinations,” the logistics and money remittance services company said in a statement.

The vaccines were acquired from “concerned parties” and the acquisition was coordinated with the government, LBC added.

Aside from the vaccines, LBC said it has been providing its employees with regular and continuous COVID-19 testing, safety gear/personal protective equipment, shuttling services, and medical assistance for both onsite and work-from-home staff. It has also been conducting disinfection/fumigation of facilities and the cargoes being handled.

LBC said that amidst the pandemic, it has been able to maintain all its workforce and operations—courier, cargo, logistics, and money services—in its more than 1,500 branches and more than 220 warehouses/hubs throughout the country.

The company has also converted some of its facilities into lodging spaces for employees, and has provided a mental health counseling hotline for employees as well as conducted short webinars to address issues such as anxiety, depression, fear, unhealthy eating, isolating together with the family, and becoming productive managers during the pandemic.

Aside from LBC, other companies from the private sector are also looking to acquire COVID-19 vaccines for their employees.

Vaccine czar Carlito Galvez, Jr. earlier said the government targets securing at least 148 million vaccine doses and inoculating 50 million to 70 million Filipinos within 2021. Aside from the national government, various local government units are also planning to acquire vaccines for their constituents.