PPA lifts limits on number of harbor pilots per district

PPA lifts limits on number of harbor pilots per district
  • The Philippine Ports Authority has lifted the limits on the number of appointed harbor pilots per pilotage district
  • Memorandum Order No. 020-2023 said the move will improve efficiency of port operation, address increasing demand for harbor pilot services, and encourage wider participation in the practice of the harbor pilot profession
  • Under the order, the PPA general manager may increase or decrease the number of appointed harbor pilots in a pilotage district

The Philippine Ports Authority (PPA) has changed the rules governing harbor pilots, lifting the limits on the number of required pilots per pilotage district.

In Memorandum Order (MO) No. 020-2023 dated November 5, the PPA removed the previous limit on the number of harbor pilots in each pilotage district “to improve the efficiency of port operation, address the increasing demand for harbor pilot services and encourage wider participation in the practice of the Harbor Pilot profession.”

Instead, the PPA general manager, upon recommendation of the port manager, can adjust the number of appointed harbor pilots in a district based on specific needs. These adjustments consider factors like shipping traffic trends, the promptness of pilots, downtime during pilotage service, port infrastructure and shipping developments, and changes in ocean and harbor topography.

Penalties for harbor pilots violating rules or refusing lawful PPA orders will follow existing procedures outlined in PPA Administrative Order No. 03-85. A committee, chaired by the PPA Port Operations and Services Department manager, with the port manager as the vice chairperson, will handle penalty procedures.

MO 20-2023 took effect on November 10, coinciding with the PPA’s upcoming public hearing this month on its proposed policy changes for harbor pilots and pilotage services.

Currently, both foreign and domestic ships are required to use harbor pilots when docking and undocking in Philippine ports. There have been moves in Congress to liberalize pilotage. Industry organizations, including shipping groups, have endorsed optional pilotage for domestic vessels to reduce costs.

The Maritime Industry Authority manages harbor pilot exams and license issuance, while the PPA and Cebu Port Authority determine the number of harbor pilots for specific areas or ports under their control.

According to the PPA website, there are a total of 131 harbor pilots, 125 of which are regular and six probationary, appointed at the 23 pilot districts nationwide. – Roumina Pablo

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