PCCI, DTI partner to promote RCEP and FTAs

PCCI, DTI partner to promote RCEP and FTAs
Trade Secretary Alfredo Pascual (left) with Philippine Chamber of Commerce and Industry president George Barcelon at the signing of the MOU on joint promotion of Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership and free trade agreements. Photo from PCCI.
  • The Philippine Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the Department of Trade and Industry collaborate on promoting Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership and free trade agreements
  • Their partnership, established through a memorandum of understanding, focuses on leveraging trade deals, including preferential trade agreements
  • The MOU also encompasses trade education initiatives, the establishment of international trade assistance centers, and fostering global value chain networks

The Philippine Chamber of Commerce and Industry (PCCI) and the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) have partnered for the promotion of Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) and free trade agreements (FTAs).

Through a memorandum of understanding signed on September 25 by Trade Secretary Alfredo Pascual and PCCI president George Barcelon, the partnership aims to capitalize on trade deals, including preferential trade agreements and other arrangements.

The MOU also intends to build an institutional partnership between the government and the business community to get the most out of the agreements.

To make the most of the Philippines’ trade agreements, the PCCI and DTI will:

  • Offer trade education and mentoring programs
  • Set up international trade assistance centers and help desks in important regions and provinces
  • Connect businesses and industry groups to global value chains through networking
  • Share essential resources and information

“This MOU is another concrete step to help boost the competitiveness of our industries. We aim to undertake initiatives that will empower our stakeholders to compete in a bigger market and seize the available opportunities therein,” the Pascual said in a statement.

“Through these FTAs, it will provide an enabling environment for businesses, particularly as we advocate the utilization of these FTAs and build the capacity of our stakeholders,” he trade chief added.

RELATED READ: PH RCEP tariff commitments signed