Live e-CO exchanges via ASEAN Single Window hit over 8,700 per month

Image by Hessel Visser from Pixabay
Image by Hessel Visser from Pixabay

Live exchanges of electronic certificates of origin (e-COs) among the Philippines and the nine other members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) via the ASEAN Single Window (ASW) have averaged around 8,712 transactions per month since January this year, the Department of Finance said.

From January to August this year, about 78,000 transactions were processed through TradeNet, the Philippines’ national single window (NSW) that connects to the regional single window, a report by Finance Undersecretary Gil Beltran showed.

The ASW is the regional initiative to speed up cargo clearance and promote regional economic integration by enabling the electronic exchange of border documents among the 10 ASEAN member states. TradeNet ( is the Philippines’ online platform for applications for permits relating to imports and exports.

All ASEAN member states have already gone live and have been exchanging e-COs on the ASW.

READ: ASEAN Single Window to allow exchange of other trade documents

Once TradeNet is fully operational, Beltran said traders may apply online for import and export permits for commodities such as rice, sugar, used motor vehicles, chemicals (toluene), frozen meat, medicines (for humans, animals, or fish) and cured tobacco. TradeNet aims to simplify import and export documentary processes covering an initial 7,400 regulated products.

The goal is to have all 75 trade regulatory government agencies across 18 government departments fully interconnected via TradeNet.

Beltran said the Anti-Red Tape Authority will be included in the NSW Steering Committee to fast track streamlining of various regulatory agencies involved in TradeNet.

Currently, Filipino exporters intending to export goods within the ASEAN may apply for an e-CO via TradeNet to secure preferential tariffs.

Bureau of Customs (BOC) Assessment and Operations Coordinating Group deputy commissioner Atty. Edward James Dy Buco earlier said exporters should apply for the issuance of the e-CO through the trading platform TradeNet to enjoy ASEAN Trade in Goods Agreement benefits.

A CO, or Form D, is an international trade document attesting that goods in a particular export shipment were wholly obtained, produced, manufactured, or processed in a particular country.

Customs Memorandum Order (CMO) No. 15-2019 provides guidelines for the application, submission, and processing of ASEAN e-COs using TradeNet.

READ: BOC moves forward with TradeNet, releases operational rules

To access TradeNet, exporters and importers must create a TradeNet account and company profile with their username and password. Procedures for using and accessing TradeNet by the exporter, BOC or other users are detailed in the TradeNet Client User Manual for e-CO Issuance and the TradeNet Agency User Manual. Both manuals are attached as annexes in CMO 15-2019. – Roumina Pablo