Indonesia looking at creating 4 task forces to monitor economic packages


Bunderan_Hotel_Indonesia_JakartaThe Indonesian government will set up four task forces that will oversee and accelerate the realization of all economic policy packages, according to a state official.

One of these is the task force on rules settlement to be led by the Presidential Staff Office, and another is the task force on cases, issues, and barrier identification under the Coordinating Ministry for Political, Legal and Security, according to Public Works and Public Housing Minister Basuki Hadimuljono.

The third is the task force on implementation evaluation and policy package assessment, which is to be submitted to an independent or non-governmental team.

Finally, the task force on publications and dissemination will be led by the Home Affairs Ministry and The Investment Coordinating Board, said a report by Antara News.

Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs Darmin Nasution is the overall leader of the task forces, which will also hold assessment dialogues with entrepreneurs and investors.

Earlier, Indonesian President Joko Widodo ordered a comprehensive evaluation of the 12 economic policy packages by all parties, particularly the business world.

The government has so far issued 12 stimulus policy packages between September of last year and May this year that are intended to facilitate business and investment in Indonesia. The policy packages are also aimed at spurring economic development in regions across the country.

“The president has ordered immediate and comprehensive evaluation of all the economic policy packages by involving Kadin (the Indonesian chamber of commerce and industry), Hipmi (the Indonesian association of young entrepreneurs), business agents and regulators to identify obstacles in various matters,” Cabinet Secretary Pramono Anung told local media.

Pramono said that in order to implement the 12th economic policy package—on easing the procedure for starting a small business by reducing registration fees and facilitating business permits and financing—the  government will draft the terms of reference by learning from countries ranked from first to 30th in the ease of doing business index.

“The president wants Indonesia’s ease of doing business index to improve (and) reach 40 in 2016 from the current 109 rank,” he added.

To do this, the government will use Jakarta and Surabaya as a showcase for other cities in the country, he said. “If the two cities are successful, they will be a role model for the rest of the country,” he said.

He said the president also wants all the deregulation packages to match the conditions in the field, and is scheduled to personally inspect certain places in Jakarta and Surabaya.

Photo: Taman Renyah