ICTSI launches AI-powered yard management solution at MICT

Manila International Container Terminal. File photo from ICTSI.
  • International Container Terminal Services, Inc. has successfully conducted the live implementation of an artificial intelligence-powered yard management solution at Manila International Container Terminal
  • YardSight performs capacity optimization, throughput management, and yard space maximization
  • The solution manages the entire yard operation by optimizing the terminal operating system and enhancing resources through advanced machine learning/AI technologies

International Container Terminal Services, Inc. (ICTSI) has successfully conducted the live implementation of an artificial intelligence (AI)-powered yard management solution at flagship terminal Manila International Container Terminal (MICT).

The AI solution, called YardSight, performs capacity optimization, throughput management, and yard space maximization. It adapts to the current state and responds back to users with intelligent work directives by leveraging real-time and historical operational data from internal and external sources.

YardSight is part of a larger AI solution suite, AiCON, developed by AI and digital transformation company Avlino together with container terminal solutions provider IGO Solutions, ICTSI said in a statement.

“The YardSight AI module, in its current form, provides logic for the most efficient stacking positions based on optimal work balancing of our rubber tired gantries (RTGs),” MICT chief executive officer and executive director Anders Dommestrup said.

He said this results in increased productivity for internal and external trucks, reduced traffic clashes, and minimized yard rehandles when stacking import containers.

The group, he added, is working together to “expand the application into dynamic allocation of CHE [container handling equipment] ranges and focusing efficiencies for the export yard cycle for internal/external trucks in the coming months as well.”

Dommestrup noted that there are already signs this new approach can deliver significant efficiencies to equipment utilization and truck turnaround time, further supporting ICTSI’s effort to reduce its greenhouse gas emission.

YardSight’s ability to adapt to changing operational metrics has also helped bridge the gap between operational business fundamentals and technology, he said.

Avlino founding CEO Ramana Jampala, for his part, said the partnership with ICTSI “has been instrumental in shaping YardSight.”

He explained: “Real-time planning that responds to external dynamic conditions is a real game-changer for terminal operators. Adopters of YardSight will find that they are equipped to tackle the challenges of constriction, congestion, and high re-handle counts.”

He said YardSight manages the entire yard operation by optimizing the terminal operating system and enhancing resources through advanced machine learning/AI technologies delivered through smart solution engineering.

“More importantly, the Solution incorporates directly into ICTSI’s existing business process, where AI controls workflows to tighten operational expenses while increasing profit margins. It is truly a win-win scenario.”

ICTSI earlier said it has completed a berth expansion project at MICT, effectively raising the annual capacity of the terminal to over 3.3 million twenty-foot equivalent units (TEU).

READ: MICT berth expansion lifts annual capacity to 3.3M TEUs

Complementing the berth expansion is the extension of the container yard by about another 5.5 hectares, of which 3 hectares are designated for laden containers and 2.5 hectares for empty containers. This redounds to added capacity for the terminal of an estimated 200,000 TEUs for laden containers and 150,000 TEUs for empties.