Full capacity allowed for passenger ships under Alert Level 1

  • Inter-island passenger ships can now load up to full capacity with the shift to COVID-19 Alert Level 1 of the National Capital Region and 38 other areas in the country
  • But the Maritime Industry Authority requires shipping operators to enforce safety protocols, such as mandatory wearing of face mask and social distancing

Inter-island passenger ships are now allowed to load up to 100% of their authorized passenger capacity following the shift to Alert Level 1 of the National Capital Region and 38 other areas, the Maritime Industry Authority (MARINA) said.

Since March 1, the shipping industry regulator has adopted a gradual increase in passenger capacity from 70% to 100%, provided all necessary safety protocols are implemented, according to MARINA Advisory No. 2022-15.

Passenger capacity was previously fixed at 70% in November 2021.

MARINA reiterated its guidelines, which include mandatory wearing of face mask, temperature check of passengers upon boarding, a ban on passengers from talking, taking unnecessary phone calls, and taking food for category 2 vessels, or those whose voyage is less than four hours.

The regulator said social distancing must be observed at all times, especially in common areas such as canteens, lounges, open decks, and the like. It also prohibits mass gathering onboard. Passengers must maintain a one-meter distance while queuing during boarding and disembarkation.

Appropriate and sufficient ventilation system must be installed to reduce the risk of virus circulation within enclosed accommodation/spaces, MARINA said.

The downgrade of NCR and the 38 other areas to Alert Level 1 from Alert Level 2 will be in effect until March 15.

Under Alert Level 1, public transportation will be at full seating capacity. For aviation, maritime and rail public transports operating in and out of Alert Level 1 areas, the passenger capacity use will be at 100%.