DP World joins Digital Supply Chain Institute

DP World joins Digital Supply Chain Institute
DP World will participate in two Digital Supply Chain Institute projects – Data Trading and Future Constellation of Value – that will explore strategies to realize more value from data and ways to collaborate with partners to meet customer needs effectively. Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay
  • DP World joins Digital Supply Chain Institute to seek new supply chain solutions through peer-to-peer interaction
  • The company will participate in two DSCI projects – Data Trading and Future Constellation of Value – that will explore strategies to realize more value from data and ways to collaborate with partners
  • The Center for Global Enterprise set up DSCI to study the evolution of enterprise supply chains in the digital economy and create and apply management best practices

DP World is exploring new supply chain solutions by joining Digital Supply Chain Institute (DSCI) to uncover pressing industry issues and work out ways to resolve them.

“The focus of DSCI on supply chain is core to what we do at DP World,” said Mike Bhaskaran, DP World chief operating officer for digital technology.

“We have grown from a local port operator to a global end-to-end supply chain solution provider. It’s a journey that is ongoing and collaboration will be the key.”

DP World delivers a range of services through an interconnected global network of 295 business units in 78 countries across six continents.

The company will participate in two DSCI projects – Data Trading and Future Constellation of Value – that will explore strategies to realize more value from data and ways to collaborate with partners to meet customer needs effectively.

DP World cited DSCI’s approach to applied research and collaborative learning on joint projects with members.

“In the incubation stages, DSCI provides a good forum to test new ideas with members of the community. We can roll out ideas, have discussions with members, get their feedback and then work towards collaborative learning,” said Bhaskaran.

Marko Kovacevic, DSCI managing director, welcomed DP World into the community. “Their approach of anticipating change and deploying industry-leading technology to create smart, efficient, and innovative trade solutions aligns with DSCI’s mission,” said Kovacevic.

“Having them on board strengthens our focus on creating next-generation resilient and customer-centered supply chains.”

DP World joins the global DSCI membership that includes Under Armour, Colgate Palmolive, Dell, Anastasia, Craft, Streamline Media Group, Lanaco, Panama Transshipment Group, Azarc, Transworld Group, and TubeIQ.

DSCI is a leading-edge research institute initially set up by the Center for Global Enterprise to study the evolution of enterprise supply chains in the digital economy and create and apply supply chain management best practices.

The institute invited 23 companies as members to discuss the industry’s issues and offer solutions. Initial discussions led to a pioneering research white paper, “Digital Supply Chains: A Frontside Flip,” that was published in October 2016. International media attention to the report motivated the expansion of DSCI.

This year, DSCI and its members will produce tools and reports on the topics: Landing the frontside flip, digital change management, direct-to-customer research and talent recruitment and retention.

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