DOTr, JICA to draw up 30-year railway master plan

DOTr, JICA to draw up 30-year railway master plan
At the August 3, 2023 signing of the record of discussions for a study on the 30-year railway master plan for the Philippines, with Transport Secretary Jaime Bautista (third from left) and JICA chief representative Sakamoto Takema (second from left). Photo from the Department of Transportation.
  • The Department of Transportation and Japan International Cooperation Agency start talks on formulating a 30-year railway masterplan for the Greater Capital Region
  • Under the masterplan, JICA will continue investing in the Philippines’ railway infrastructure expansion and in the GCR for 30 years or until 2055
  • The plan aims to bring rail density and rail share of trips on par with railways in Metropolitan Tokyo, Shanghai, and Seoul

The Department of Transportation (DOTr) and Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) have had initial talks to formulate a 30-year railway master plan for the Greater Capital Region (GCR).

The two sides signed on August 3 the record of discussions on the master plan, which aims to create a long-term network of railway systems in the National Capital Region, Central Luzon, and CALABARZON (Cavite, Laguna, Batangas, Rizal, Quezon).

“This 30-year railway master plan we are formulating through this record of discussion signing ceremony would certainly enable us to build more than just a thousand kilometers of rails,” Transportation Secretary Jaime Bautista said during the signing.

“Railway development in the Greater Capital Region would not involve only longer rail lines and more trains. The strategic framework of this development plan must include the comfort and safety of the passengers,” the transport chief added.

For his part, JICA chief representative Sakamoto Takema said: “This project is extremely crucial for the development of new railway lines to form a network, increase in railway’s modal share of passenger trips and increase in rail route kilometer per square kilometer and so on, within the study period by 2055.”

Under the railway masterplan, the Japanese government, through JICA, will continue to invest in the country’s railway infrastructure expansion that will cover areas in Metro Manila, Central Luzon and CALABARZON for 30 years or until 2055.

The plan aims to bring up GRC rail density and rail share of trips on par with Metropolitan Tokyo, Shanghai, and Seoul.

DOTr and JICA will tap Asian Development Bank for the land transport traffic survey and transport ridership demand forecast modeling.

GCR is estimated to have a population of 44.1 million and, as the population continues to rise, passenger demand is seen to grow exponentially in these rapidly urbanizing areas.

JICA in a separate statement said the technical cooperation project is a welcome move to address the country’s backlog in railway network and commuter woes.

“We can’t be satisfied with the current railway network. We need more railway networks. Please, count on JICA to continue supporting and collaborate with you to create a better railway masterplan for Metro Manila,” Takema said.

JICA has been a partner of the Philippines in various infrastructure projects, including railways, such as the North-South Commuter Railway Project, Metro Manila Subway Project, and Metro Rail Transit 3 rehabilitation project.

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