BOC seeks tariff rate adjustment in NAIA, Cebu airport CBWs

BOC seeks tariff rate adjustment in NAIA, Cebu airport CBWs
  • The Bureau of Customs is seeking a tariff rate adjustment for warehousing charges of customs bonded warehouses/customs facilities and warehouses operators at Mactan-Cebu International Airport and Ninoy Aquino International Airport
  • Draft orders aim to provide new rates of services, storage and other charges on goods or merchandise stored in the covered CBWs and CFW-airport temporary storage warehouses
  • They also aim to standardize various charges for operations affecting imported goods before actual delivery to the importer or consignee
  • Instead of fixed rates, draft orders provide rates in three tranches
  • The agency is soliciting stakeholders’ comments on the proposal until May 31

The Bureau of Customs (BOC) is proposing tariff rate adjustment for warehousing charges of customs bonded warehouses/customs facilities and warehouses (CBW/CFW) operators at Mactan-Cebu International Airport (MCIA) and Ninoy Aquino International Airport (NAIA).

The agency is seeking stakeholders’ comments on two draft customs administrative orders (CAO) until May 31, the same day for a virtual public consultation.

One draft CAO will amend CAO 14-2019, which provides for new rates of services, storage and other charges on goods or merchandise stored at CBW Nos. 31, 55, 83, 124, 125, 182 and 185 operated by Philippine Skylanders International, Inc.; Philippine Airlines, People’s Air Cargo and Warehousing Co., Inc.; Delbros, Cargohaus, DHL Philippines, and TMW Worldwide Express, Inc. within the NAIA Complex.

Another draft CAO will amend the memorandum dated November 22, 2012, which provides the new rates of services, storage, and other charges on goods or merchandise stored at CFW-airport temporary storage warehouse (ATSW)—formerly known as customs public bonded warehouse—numbers 36 and 82 operated by U-Freight Phils., Inc. and Ground Air Logistics Corp., respectively, within the MCIA Cargo Complex Area.

The draft CAOs aim to provide new rates of services, storage and other charges on goods or merchandise stored in the covered CBWs and CFW-ATSWs at the BOC collection districts of Cebu and NAIA.

READ: BOC overhauls rules on operation of customs bonded warehouses

In addition, they aim to standardize various charges for operations affecting imported goods before actual delivery to the importer or consignee and taking into account the present economic conditions and the facilities given by CBW and CFW operators, the service, storage and other charges on goods or merchandise stored in CBWs/CFWs.

READ: BOC rules on setting up CFWs now in effect

Further, the draft CAOs seek to provide a clear and transparent regulation to stakeholders in the collection of rates of service, storage and other charges on goods or merchandise stored at public bonded warehouses and CFWs.

Instead of fixed rates, the proposed orders provide rates in three tranches, covering rates for general cargo, special cargo, service charge, and ancillary services.

For the NAIA CBW operators, the rates increase every three years.

For example, general cargo rate from P3.43 per kilogram per day will be P4.63 per kg per day in the first three years, P5 per kg per day in the fourth to sixth year, and P5.40 per kg per day for the seventh to ninth years.

For special cargo, the minimum charge of P393.42 per day will be P531.12 per day for the first three years, P573.61 per day for the fourth to sixth years, and P619.49 per day for the seventh to ninth years.

For CFWs in MCIA Cargo Complex, the first three years will start from 2024 to 2026, and an increment on the rate every two years after (from 2027 to 2028 and from 2029 to 2030).

For general cargo, the rate will be from P1.68 per kg per day to P2.94 per kg per day from 2024-2026, P3.18 per kg per for 2027-2028, and P3.43 per kg per day for 2029-2030.

For special cargo, the minimum charge of P192.27 per day will be P336.47 per day for 2024-2026, P363.39 per day for 2027-2028, and P392.46 per day for 2029-2030.

The proposed CAOs will be reviewed every three years and be amended or revised, if necessary. – Roumina Pablo