BOC AEDS-AEDoS integration up for public consult

BOC AEDS-AEDoS integration up for public consult
Image by mcmurryjulie from Pixabay
  • The Bureau of Customs is seeking stakeholders’ inputs on its plan to integrate the Automated Export Declarations System with the Automated Export Documentation System of economic zone/freeport zone authorities and investment promotion agencies
  • The agency is finalizing its proposed customs memorandum order that will apply to export shipments from various freeport zones covered by an export declaration single administrative document
  • Lodgment of EDs by Board of Investments-registered enterprises will still be through the AEDS
  • Stakeholders have until August 22 to submit their position papers on the proposed CMO

The proposed integration of the Bureau of Customs’ (BOC) Automated Export Declaration System (AEDS) with the Automated Export Documentation System (AEDoS) of economic zone/freeport zone authorities and investment promotion agencies (IPA) will undergo virtual public consultation on August 22.

Stakeholders also have until August 22 to submit their position papers on the proposed customs memorandum order (CMO) on the system.

The proposed CMO will apply to export shipments from various freeport zones covered by export declaration (ED)-single administrative document (SAD) authorized under the ecozone/freeport zone/IPAs’ respective AEDoS and submitted electronically through the BOC-accredited value-added service providers to the AEDS under BOC’s Electronic-to-Mobile (E2M) System.

The proposed CMO aims to provide clear and defined procedures for effective implementation of the AEDS and AEDoS for export shipments of enterprises registered with ecozone/freeport zone authorities and other IPAs.

Lodging of EDs by Board of Investment-registered enterprises will still be through the AEDS.

AEDS is the module under the E2M System for receiving and processing the ED/SAD submitted by exporters.

The AEDoS, meanwhile, refers to the system of export documentation used by various ecozone/freeport zone authorities and other IPAs for the front-end processing of the export shipments of all its registered enterprises.

Under the draft CMO, the ecozone/freeport zone authorities by virtue of their respective charters may issue memorandum orders or circulars providing for the internal export procedures and requiring the electronic submission of export documentation for shipments emanating from their registered enterprises to align and harmonize their respective export systems on the lodgment and approval of the export documents to the BOC AEDS.

The Customs commissioner will also issue a memorandum on the schedule of implementation of the proposed CMO, upon the recommendation of the Management Information and Systems Technology Group.

Zone authorities should also provide and delineate a customs clearance area (CCA) to be operated and managed by BOC as a clearing and processing center for goods and cargoes entering the zone from customs territory, and for goods and cargoes that are to be transported from the ecozone/freeport zone into the customs territory.

Affixing of the GPS seals under BOC’s Electronic Tracking of Containerized Cargo (E-TRACC) System will be done at the CCA or a designated area.

BOC personnel assigned at the CCA will also perform as trade control examiners who will be available anytime to conduct document verification and/or physical examination of export shipments before their exit from the ecozone/freeport zone.

They will be given online access to the E2M System to view/monitor export documents lodged by the registered enterprises in their respective areas of assignment. – Roumina Pablo