BOC collects more in June but misses target


ID-100199949Revenue collections of the Bureau of Customs (BOC) increased 17.5% to P27.33 billion in June from P23.253 billion in the same month last year. The collection, however, is still below the P33.292 target for the month.

For the first half of the year, total revenues reached P173.4 billion, also lower than the year’s first-half target of P198.949 billion, although up 19.5% from the P145.132 billion registered from January to June of 2013.

Beating their monthly target for June are the ports of Subic (with P1 billion), Aparri (P329.3 million), Iloilo (P133.8 million), Cebu (P1.02 billion), Cagayan de Oro (P649.6 million), Zamboanga (P5.1 million) and Davao (P811.5 million).

Closing the mid-year ahead of their targets are the ports of Iloilo (P520.2 million), Cagayan de Oro (P3.95 billion), Subic (P7.01 billion), Aparri (P523.8 million), Cebu (P6.49 billion) and Davao (P4.27 billion).

The BOC has been tasked by the inter-agency Development Budget Coordination Committee to collect P35 billion for July, and P408.1 billion for the whole year, which means it has to generate P234.7 billion from July to December.

Image courtesy of ponsulak/