Truckers approve 20% hike in rate


MEMBERS of the Confederation of Truckers Association of the Philippines (CTAP) have approved the proposed 20% increase in trucking rates to offset recent hikes in operating costs.

The new rate will likely take effect today (January 12) pending distribution of the final matrix to members.

"We have no choice considering the recent spikes in labor, fuel and, most recently, toll fees in almost all major toll roads north and south of Manila," CTAP president Ruperto Bayocot told PortCalls.

As of this writing, the price of diesel is at an average P38.80 per liter and will likely increase due to high demand resulting from the harsh cold spell in the northern hemisphere.

The prices of truck tires and spare parts have also jumped significantly.

In addition, toll rates at the North Luzon Expressway grew 12% since the start of the year. Rates at the South Luzon Expressway jumped more than 300% but as a goodwill gesture, the expressway's operator is extending a 20% discount until end of March.

Earlier, CTAP imposed P1,000 fuel surcharge on all incoming and outgoing cargoes at the South Harbor and the Manila International Container Terminal because of port congestion.


    • HI,
      Does the new rates apply to DAVAO REGION? Please provide copy of new rates and possible formula of hauling rate computation for future reference since fuel cost continues to increase.
      thank you.

    • Hi Toby.

      Sorry for the late reply.

      From what we understand, CTAP has yet to come out with new rates.

      The association is also in the process of moving offices, or may have moved for that matter. I’ll email you their details so you can ask them about the Davao rates and how rates are arrived at.


  1. Hi Ms. Liza,

    Kindly send us latest CTAP rates. We would just want to check if we are getting the reasonable rate from our trucking services contractor.

    Looking forward to your response soon.

    Thank you and Good Day!

  2. I am planning to enter into trucking business in MANILA and to any point of Luzon. Please give me the complete rates for trucking for my office file. thanks and regards.

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