Solid Shipping: 2011 offers bright prospects


LOCAL cargo carrier Solid Shipping Lines (SSL) expects a rosy 2011 after a strong finish to last year.

"We can say that our 2011 performance was very strong as we were able to register an improvement in total volume of at least 5% (from the previous year) when we earlier projected a flat-to-negative growth still due to the prolonged effects of the global crisis," SSL general manager Quirimon Tan told PortCalls.

He said he sees "a much better year ahead anchored on the continued strong performance of local industries," noting that north- and south-bound cargo traffic will remain healthy.

"Our only concern right now is the cost of fuel but there are ways to offset it and reduce its impact on our operations."

One of these measures is the imposition, tentatively within the month, of a 50% increase in bunker surcharge.

One of the country’s top five cargo carriers, SSL ships about 100,000 twenty-foot equivalent units annually. Cargoes include livestock, finished products, food items, groceries and perishables.

The carrier has nine vessels deployed between Manila and three Mindanao ports — Davao, Cagayan de Oro and General Santos.