PEZA seeks synchronized rules during ECQ, says martial law not necessary


The Philippine Economic Zone Authority (PEZA) has appealed for unified policies and enforcement by the Inter-Agency Task Force for the Management of Emerging Infectious Diseases (IATF), national agencies, and local government units during the enhanced community quarantine (ECQ).

The statement came after the ECQ was extended to May 15 in Luzon and other high-risk areas, and President Rodrigo Duterte threatened to impose martial law-type implementation of ECQ guidelines.

“There is no need for martial law, but the utilization of the right tactics, strategies, and a unified enforcement of quarantine measures, emergency rules and policies in order to establish public order,” PEZA director general Charito Plaza said in a statement.

According to Plaza, “The COVID-19 pandemic’s three main challenges that need to be addressed are health, economy, and public order. Thus, types of tactics and strategies are needed to address these three major issues. It must be planned and calculated wisely.

“LGUs should not separately address the pandemic and create invisible walls. Lockdown policies per island or per region greatly affect or hamper the flow of goods and mobility of workers because of the different EOs imposed by the LGUs.”

Plaza emphasized that “cooperation is key for government agencies to facilitate and balance our focus on public health and the continued production especially of essential products during this pandemic.”

The export of “commodities and services must continue as our country’s major source of income, technology transfer, the massive jobs and in attaining the total development of the country,” she added, noting that PEZA is assisting export-oriented companies with business continuity measures during this time.

Based on a nationwide survey by PEZA as of April 20, 2020, 66% or 835 ecozone companies in Luzon are operational along with 40% or 176 companies in the Visayas, and 94% or 31 companies in Mindanao.

As companies continually adjust to the ECQ situation, Plaza said they have seen an increase in production from companies returning to operations. “It is the choice of companies to continue operations during the ECQ. But those who want to do so must comply with the protocols issued by the Department of Health to avoid COVID-19 infections in the workplace,” she said.

In cooperation with IATF and other government agencies, PEZA said it continues its balancing act of facilitating operations of companies in ecozones without compromising the health and safety of its workers.

“PEZA is doing its best to coordinate continually with various agencies and LGUs nationwide to ensure unhampered movement of goods, strict implementation of national directives, and address other concerns as well so that the supply the chain continues to run smoothly,” said Plaza.