PCCI appointed ATA Carnet issuer in the Philippines

  • PCCI appointed ATA Carnet issuer in Philippines
  • The Philippine Chamber of Commerce and Industry accepted the appointment and confirmed its commitment to fulfilling its functions as the NIGA on April 18
  • As a NIGA, the chamber is affiliated to a guaranteeing chain accredited by BOC to issue temporary admission papers
  • It also guarantees the amount of security and other charges to be imposed on ATA Carnet holders for breaches

The Philippine Chamber of Commerce and Industry (PCCI) has been appointed as the national issuing and guaranteeing association (NIGA) under the Convention on Temporary Admission (Istanbul Convention), also known as the ATA Carnet system, in the Philippines.

In a letter to PCCI president George Barcelon dated April 11, Customs Commissioner Rey Leonardo said the appointment was pursuant to a series of discussions among representatives of the Department of Finance, BOC, Export Development Council, and International Chamber of Commerce.

PCCI accepted its appointment and confirmed its commitment to fulfilling its functions as the NIGA for the Philippines in a letter dated April 18.

The appointment of PCCI as the NIGA follows the issuance in March of Customs Administrative Order No. 02-2022, which provides guidelines implementing the ATA Carnet system in the Philippines.

The ATA Carnet is an international customs document that allows the temporary admission and tax-free and duty-free importation of commercial samples, professional equipment, and articles for presentation or use in trade fairs, shows, and exhibitions.

The single document allows its holder to pass through several customs territories and will be valid for up to one year. ATA is an acronym of the French and English words “admission temporaire/temporary admission,” while carnets are referred to as “passports for goods” or “merchandise passports”.

As the NIGA, PCCI is authorized to issue ATA Carnets. It is also mandated to guarantee payment of import duties and taxes payable to BOC, as defined under the Istanbul Convention, if there be a breach in the temporary admission and failure on the part of ATA Carnet holders to re-import or re-export the goods within the period stipulated by BOC.

In addition, PCCI, as the NIGA, is required to comply with CAO 02-2022.

READ: BOC sets rules to implement ATA Carnet

The Senate concurred with the Philippines’ accession to the Convention on Temporary Admission and its various annexes, which constitute the international codification of the ATA Carnet system last November.

The instrument of accession was deposited and accepted by the World Customs Organization on January 17, 2022, making the Philippines the 73rd contracting party to the convention.

Philippine businesses attending trade fairs and exhibitions in territories that are parties to the convention are among those expected to benefit from the system.

Under CAO 02-2022, the date of implementation of the system is April 17, but this is subject to full compliance by the NIGA of its duties and responsibilities under the Istanbul Convention.

Implementation should commence within 90 days from receipt of the letter of appointment of the NIGA, which may also request for extension that the BOC may approve on meritorious grounds.

BOC, in coordination with the NIGA, must establish an interoperable information and communications technology-enabled Carnet system to facilitate the verification, monitoring, and status reporting of goods temporarily admitted pursuant to CAO 02-2022. – Roumina Pablo