One Stop Shop allows online application for COVID-19 critical goods

BOSS infographic from ARTA
BOSS infographic from ARTA

Philippine importers seeking to import critical goods needed to combat the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak can now apply online for a license to operate (LTO) from the Bayanihan One Stop Shop (BOSS).

The one-stop shop was created by the Anti-Red Tape Authority (ARTA), Bureau of Customs (BOC), and Food and Drug Administration (FDA) under Joint Memorandum Circular (JMC) No. 01-2020.

The circular covers all commercial imports of personal protective equipment and specific medical devices determined as “COVID-19 Critical Commodities” by the Department of Health (DOH) and requiring a LTO from FDA.

BOSS serves as a single window and concierge for all government agencies involved—specifically BOC and FDA—in the importation of COVID-19 critical commodities. Normally, imports of COVID-19 critical commodities regulated by the FDA require the issuance of the relevant LTO to the importer and registration or notification of every health product to be imported unless explicitly exempted. The importer must then present the LTO and/or Certificate of Product Registration (CPR)/Notification to BOC for the latter to clear the commodities for entry into the country.

Under JMC 01-2020, systems and portals of the BOC, FDA, and ARTA are interconnected to enable end-to-end processing and monitoring of applications.

All transactions with FDA and BOC will be done through the following websites:

ARTA will act as general coordinator for “the seamless processing and exchange of information between and across the agencies concerned.”

JMC 01-2020 does not cover the clearance of relief consignments entered during a state of calamity as this is already covered by Joint Administrative Order No. 01-2020 dated March 16, 2020.

READ: Joint order directs swift clearance of relief consignments

BOSS started operating on April 3 and will be in effect until the state of national emergency exists or until otherwise required by the President.

JMC 01-2020 notes that despite streamlining efforts by concerned government agencies, “bottlenecks and challenges in the importation process remain.”

JMC 01-2020 underscores the confusion and misinformation of the public regarding procedures for commercial importation of critical commodities by private entities. It also observes that the agencies continued to operate under a “silo system,” whereby applicants need to transact with individual government agencies separately, “even if [the agencies] are part of the entire importation process.” – Roumina Pablo


  1. Good Day,

    Do we have any hotline or customer service to talk with this matter? cause the 2nd link provided isn’t working. thank you

    • Sorry but that is all the info we have. Kindly note PortCalls is not affiliated with the One-Stop Shop or any of the government agencies.

  2. Good day.

    I am an individual, and wished to import masks for commercial purposes.
    What registration do i need? Do i need a business registrstion?
    Thsnk you.

    • Kindly note PortCalls is not affiliated with a government agency. But having said that, we know that you need a business registration (along with other registrations such as from the BIR, mayor’s office, etc) to launch a business. If you wish to import anything in commercial quantities, you also need to be accredited by the Bureau of Customs. Inquire with the BOC directly at for accreditation requirements.

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