New box terminal at Indonesia’s Port of Teluk Bayur opens


A new container terminal has been inaugurated at the Port of Teluk Bayur in Padang City, West Sumatra, Indonesia, that government officials claim will eliminate long queues at the port.

In a news release, Indonesia Port Corporation II (IPC II), or Pelindo II, state-owned operator of Teluk Bayur port, said ships’ waiting time at the congested port would often last from 15 to 20 days.

But the new box terminal is seen to help improve traffic flow, reduce logistics costs, enhance efficiency, and boost the economic growth of West Sumatra.

Minister of State-Owned Enterprises Dahlan Iskan led the inauguration ceremonies for the new terminal on April 29, saying he hoped that more ships would call at Teluk Bayur, the busiest port in West Sumatra, now that the traffic problem had been addressed.

West Sumatra Governor Irwan Prayitno said the new container terminal was also expected to attract more investors into the province, the IPC II release said.

Teluk Bayur port is a gateway port for shipments to South Korea, China, and the United States. Formerly known as Emmahaven, it was built from 1888 to 1893 during the Dutch colonial era.


Photo from IPC


  1. May i know that the new box terminal have services for shipments to Malaysia? Which port in Malaysia?

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