Driving Customer Experience in Post-Pandemic Era

Amit Maheshwari, Softlink Global CEO

Customer experience has always been a central point around which the logistics and freight businesses have revolved. Meeting expectations of the supply chain is a daunting task considering its dynamic nature and ever-expanding demands. Besides, the nature of business requires logistics and freight businesses to work in close tandem with their customers maintaining several customer touchpoints throughout. Things being so, the logistics and freight industry is confronted with an even greater challenge in the post-pandemic era.


The new-normal post COVID imposes severe constraints in the working style of businesses. They now need to embrace new ways of work to enhance their customer experience drives. This is where technology comes into the picture. It goes without saying that business will have to take to technology in a big way if they are to meet the new challenges.


Fortunately, technology in the form of a modern single software can make things simpler for the logistics and freight businesses. It can facilitate a high level of collaboration and coordination within the organisation and across stakeholders with comprehensive customer service capabilities. With the ability to provide customer touchpoints digitally, businesses can ensure they can continue with top level customer service.


The modern single software enables logistics and freight businesses to work from a position of strength. Information can be shared across departments from sales, operations, accounting and finance to customer service. All stakeholders can perform their work more efficiently. Quick response, informed decision-making and efficient collaboration is made possible using the software.


Using modern single software alerts can be received by employees, managers and management on potential problems and delays enabling pre-emptive measures. Notifications on important milestones and tasks can make things easier to manage. Mobile apps will make it easier for field personnel and management to access and update information. Online access to reports and information in real time can help managers and management in informed decision making. Customers can have ready access to information on their shipments in real time.


The post-pandemic era is about to see a digital transformation. Customer experience will largely be driven by technology. Businesses need to equip themselves with the latest technology that can help them drive their customer experience and enable them to grow their business sustainably.