BOC rules on SAD cancellation revised anew


The Philippine Bureau of Customs (BOC) has again amended rules on the post-entry modification and cancellation of the single administrative document (SAD) to reflect changes in its management system.

BOC, through Customs Memorandum Order (CMO) No. 27-2017, revoked CMO 19-2017 and amended CMO 53-2010. CMO 19-2017 reiterated and amended CMO 53-2010, which provided supplemental guidelines for implementing CMO 27-2009 regarding post entry modification and cancellation of SAD.

BOC said the changes were “in the interest of the service and in relation to the institutionalization of Completed Staff Work (CSW)” in BOC. CSW is a new management system adopted by BOC to improve work processes and accelerate decision-making in the agency so as to upgrade service to stakeholders. Under this system, staff members or offices work out the details of a task or activity by themselves, so as not to bother the decision-maker with having to sift through the documents and details.

CMO 27-2017, dated November 10, took immediate effect.

Under the memorandum order, all SAD Cancellation Forms after complete staff work from the corresponding districts shall be forwarded to the Office of the Deputy Commissioner for Assessment and Operations Coordinating Group for approval. A unit at AOCG shall approve the cancellation request then return it to the district collector concerned.

If the request for SAD cancellation is based on exceptional error by BOC’s electronic-to-mobile (E2M) system or on error related with the Management Information System and technology Group (MISTG), then approval by the AOCG deputy commissioner will no longer be required.

Instead, the district collector must ensure that a certification is acquired from the prior office of MISTG before SAD is cancelled. All certifications issued by MISTG personnel shall be strictly monitored by the Technical Support Division of MISTG. Such reports shall be forwarded to the AOCG for monitoring and review. District collectors shall also submit to AOCG the status of all approved cancelled SADs upon relodgment of the entry.

CMO 27-2017 also reiterates Section 5 of CMO 53-2010, which states that “failure of the concerned parties to comply with the foregoing provisions shall subject the erring parties to the imposition of appropriate sanctions, administrative, civil and/or criminal, as may be warranted under the circumstances.”

All other provisions of CMO 53-2010 that do not conflict with CMO 27-2017 remain effective. – Roumina Pablo

Image courtesy of Stuart Miles at