Agility Key for Adapting to Changing Market Conditions


Amit_column_FCAgility is an important quality for any logistics service provider. The ability to implement a strategy that will help keep a company agile and able to deliver the highest levels of service at all times no matter what changes might be affecting the business, becomes all the more crucial if the company offers a variety of services. The speed with which services meet customers’ needs directly impacts company reputation.


But what exactly should logistics companies focus on to improve agility and operational effectiveness? Identifying operational improvements to increase speed of services? Or high-level objectives suited to their organization and whether the objectives are in sync with the overall logistics strategy? The exact course will be determined by prevailing circumstances and the right fit for the company based on various business matrices.


To be successful, a business strategy has to be customer-centric with a rapid succession of innovation in expediting customer needs. Whatever the strategy adopted by a logistics company, information technology plays a crucial role in achieving objectives. Information technology helps in not only improving operational efficiency but enabling close communication between internal stakeholders and customers. Being in control of decision-making is one of the important advantages IT offers.


Finding the right IT solution can be game-changing in today’s frantic, uncertain market. It can help set right potential problems like mismanaged processes, inadequately equipped employees or some other logistics conundrum. Many logistics companies handle massive numbers of shipments every year and simply adding more workforce will not lead to a conclusive solution. Much of the focus has to be on maximizing the potential of the existing workforce.  To achieve maximum potential, companies need to gain end-to-end visibility of their network and analyze service and performance.


There are organizations that still rely on information gleaned from the experience of their employees or some archaic systems. Many companies manage their operations using Excel, juggling between spreadsheets with thousands of lines information. Acquiring some department-centric software may help in better management of that particular operational aspect but it does not address the important objective of agility and efficiency in business operations.


Manual processes invariably lead to error and operational inefficiencies. Only a system that centralizes information by automating the entire logistics operations provides a level of support and real-time access to information that can help a business reach its maximum potential. The availability of affordable cloud and SaaS-based platforms allows organizations to plan, execute and track freight shipment without the concerns of managing software applications and computer hardware.


Creating a strategy for the future built upon innovation is the key. Innovative solutions that centralize data and provide real-time access to information a company needs to know, any time and from anywhere gives power to drive a business with greater control and efficiency.


The role of agility in logistics is important for business growth as well as the supply chain perspective, and technology plays a major role in it. Technology links logistics service providers to their customers, government and agencies through an interlinked web of system that promotes fast, flexible response that can give a business edge over its competitors. Logistics today is mobile-enabled and so well connected that information can be leveraged to make business more agile and effective and also to propel it towards a sustainable future.