4 BoC deputy commissioners get appointment papers


President Rodrigo Duterte has signed the appointment papers of four deputy commissioners of the Bureau of Customs (BOC).

In separate appointment papers dated from November 6 to 8, Duterte officially appointed Ricardo Quinto and Gladys Rosales as deputy commissioners, while deputy commissioners Ariel Nepomuceno and Teddy Sandy Raval were moved to different groups.

Quinto replaced Raval as deputy commissioner of the Intelligence Group (IG), while the latter has been appointed deputy commissioner for the Enforcement Group (EG).

Rosales is the new deputy commissioner for Internal Administration Group, while Nepomuceno, former EG deputy commissioner, will now head the Post-Clearance Audit Group (PCAG or formerly the Post-Entry Audit Group).

It must be noted though that the Executive Order earlier signed by Duterte which revived the post-clearance audit function and returned it to BOC from the Department of Finance (DOF), specifies that the PCAG must be headed by an assistant commissioner, not a deputy commissioner.

Both Quinto and Rosales were from the Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency, the agency previously headed by Customs commissioner Isidro Lapeña.

Raval, prior to being IG head, was director of EG’s Enforcement and Security Service. Nepomuceno, meanwhile, was appointed EG deputy commissioner in 2013. Last August, he submitted a courtesy resignation to give then newly-appointed customs chief Lapeña a free-hand to choose his team.

The four join deputy commissioners Natalio Ecarma III of the Revenue Collection and Monitoring Group and Atty. Edward James Dy Buco of the Assessment and Operations Coordinating Group. There is still no deputy commissioner for the agency’s Management Information System and Technology Group. – Roumina Pablo


(This post has been updated on Nov 23 at 12:00 noon to reflect the correct name of Ms Gladys Rosales.)