PPA oversight body created to identify, resolve Manila North Harbor issues


The Philippine Ports Authority (PPA) has created an operations oversight committee to look into concerns of stakeholders using the Manila North Harbor and ensure the efficient movement of goods passing through the port.

Operations Memorandum Order (OMO) No. 01-2017 creates the committee, to be composed of the port manager of PPA Port Manager-NCR North as chair, with members coming from the Philippine Liner Shipping Association (PLSA), Manila North Harbour Port, Inc. (MNHPI), and PPA’s Port Operations and Services Department and Commercial Services Department.

PLSA members account for much of the volume at Manila North Harbor, while MNHPI operates the port. Manila North Harbor, or North Port, is the country’s biggest domestic terminal, handling around 1 million twenty-foot equivalent units (TEUs) yearly.

The creation of the committee is a “mechanism to enable PPA and stakeholders at NH (North Harbor) to work things out, resolve operational problems faster, and provide feedback to head office,” PPA assistant general manager for operations Hector Miole, who signed the order, told PortCalls in a text message.

But Miole said this is not the first time a consultative committee with stakeholders has been formed, noting the existence of the Port Management Advisory Council, which calls meetings with port users.

The operations oversight committee is tasked to identify the problem areas or points of delay in the receipt and release of cargoes, and to serve as a venue for airing the concerns of Manila North Harbor stakeholders. It will also review and analyze operational practices at the port, and recommend solutions, systems, or procedures that will improve and fast-track port and cargo-handling operations.

If necessary, technical working groups may be created to assist the committee in pursuing its objectives. The committee must meet at least once a month to deliberate on issues of concern.

Miole clarified that the committee will not be auditing MNHPI, since this is a function of the PPA’s board.

OMO No. 01-2017, dated April 4, takes effective immediately. However, a copy of the memo was made available on PPA’s website only on May 9. PPA PMO North Harbor, which drafted the memo, only received a copy on May 16, and will be setting the committee’s first meeting. – Roumina Pablo

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