PPA orders transfer of MICT administration to PMO NCR South


ID-10037891The Philippine Ports Authority (PPA) recently mandated the transfer of the administration and operation of PPA Manila International Container Terminal (MICT) from the Port Management Office (PMO) National Capital Region (NCR) North to PMO NCR South.

Under PPA Special Order No. 532-2015, which took effect on July 1, PPA general manager Atty. Juan Sta. Ana said the transfer facilitates the “system of doing business in the international trade as the cargoes at MICT and South Harbor are homogenous.”

Moreover, it establishes a “single responsibility center in coordinating efforts respecting international port traffic”.

MICT was previously under PMO North Harbor, which was renamed PMO NCR North early this year. PMO NCR South, headed by Atty. Francisquiel Mancile, was formerly PMO South Harbor.

Sta. Ana directed the port managers of NCR North and NCR South to coordinate with each other for the smooth transfer of all resources and personnel.

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