Honor Roll


Over the 23-year history of DMAP / SCMAP, various individuals from member companies have stood up to carry the torch for DMAP / SCMAP.


But apart from “internal heroes”, there were individuals from outside the association who made significant contributions to the progress of DMAP / SCMAP. In recognition of their contributions to the advancement of DMAP / SCMAP, I have selected a few names to an “honor roll”. These are the following:


  • Philip Tuazon

 Philip  Tuazon was  the MARINA Administrator during the formation of  DMAP in 1990. Distribution and logistics managers of ten companies met the first time to form DMAP in August 1989, after separately watching helplessly as MARINA approved hefty increases in domestic shipping rates in 1989. There was no opposition then.


What got the ire of manufacturers was another rate increase petition in 1990 by domestic shipping lines amounting to some +39%.


DMAP was incorporated in March 1990 and prepared to oppose the petition. So, what did Philip Tuazon do to deserve a place in my honor roll? Apparently nothing much. He said to DMAP something like this – Go on and increase your numbers, so that the shipping lines will have a group that will oppose them. This advice he repeated several times to DMAP. The encouraging words drove DMAP to polish its arguments at the hearing.


I wrote in my column six years ago: “The fairest past MARINA administration was that of Philip Tuazon. This was the only time when the MARINA listened toDMAP’s arguments, resulting in significant reductions in the increases granted vs. what were petitioned”.


The 1990 hearing resulted in MC 59 which reduced the increase to +25% with a fork tariff. This was a sweet ‘victory” for DMAP with its first participation in a hearing. On at least one occasion, there was an actual reduction in shipping rates due to MC 67.


  • Vicente Gambito

 Vicente ‘Tet” Gambito used to be on the other side of the fence. This was because he used to be a vice president of Sulpicio Lines in the 1980s. He was once president of CISO (Conference of Inter-island Shipowners and Operators), the cartel forerunner of DSA and PLSA.


Tet came over to our side in the 1990s. He never told me the reason directly, but I suspect it was his genuine belief in the need to cut down logistics costs and improve service. Tet is on my list because of this serious belief, and his contribution in pushing RORO. I wrote about Tet as the Father of RORO six years ago (March 5, 2007).

“It was Tet who broached the idea that true RORO service would bring down transport cost. He argued that cargo handling in the form of arrastre at both origin and destination ports, and stevedoring on the vessel, should all disappear. This could be in the area of 30%. He convinced us inDMAPand we saw great hope as we had been searching long for reductions in logistics cost. When we began to push true RORO, shipping lines and PPA opposed vigorously.”


In reality, a team from the Philippines visited a Scandinavian country in the early 1990s to study RORO. When they returned to the Philippines, nobody wanted to implement it. The shipping lines did not want it because their huge investments in containers and container handling equipment would be wasted.


For PPA, the disappearance of cargo handling charges in RORO would cause PPA to lose its main source of income, its 10% share in cargo handling.


Nobody gives credit to Tet Gambito. It is high time that he is recognized for his contribution to reducing logistics cost. Tet Gambito is the father of true RORO.


  • Meneleo Carlos

Meneleo Carlosis “an old hand” in Philippine industry. He has been active in industry in general, and transport and logistics in particular.Meneleo Carloshas been with the Export Development Council, Philippine Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the National Competitiveness Council, and is Chairman Emeritus of the Federation of Philippine Industries.


His collaboration with DMAP started at the turn of the century when the infamous EO 59 came into the limelight. For those who may not remember, EO 59 was an attempt by a select group of domestic shipping line owners and cargo handlers to set up a cargo handling monopoly in the North Harbor initially, and later nationwide.


DMAP took the lead in the battle vs. EO 59 and joined forces with other affected groups. Among these groups was EDC and FPI where Meneleo was active. This eventually led to the Coalition for Shipping and Ports Modernization, which used different venues to fight EO 59, including a march to Malacañang, an open letter to Erap, letters to senators and son congressmen, and other forums.Meneleo Carlostirelessly continues to push for logistics improvement in cost and service.


  • Henry Basilio

Henry Basilio’s collaboration with DMAP started at the same time asMeneleo Carlos, at the height of the infamy of EO 59.


Henry is the only one from the academe (University of Asia and the Pacific) active in pushing for logistics cost reduction and service improvement. He is on my list because of his long service to the cause. In 2000 he and I were involved in a project for the Department of Agriculture and the Center for Research & Communication. Soon EO 59 blew up. Henry served as the secretariat for the Coalition for Shipping and Ports Moderniization. Henry continues to collaborate with SCMAP and pushes various research projects and advocacies.


Address inquiries and comments to Ed Sanchez at tel. 671-8670, fax 671-4793, cell 0918-914-1689, or email scmap.org@gmail.com. Those interested in SCMAP training and other activities are requested to send their e-mail addresses.