Container truck drivers stage strike at Port Klang


Container truck drivers continued their strike at Port Klang in Malaysia to protest supposedly exorbitant depot gate charges and delays that have eaten into their earnings.

The drivers said their daily haulage trips have been cut to at most two due to three- to four-hour delays at depots.

They are also up against the increase in gate fees, which have reportedly doubled over the past few months.

The work stoppage began on May 2 and will continue through May 4, even possibly extending to Sunday, May 6, according to media reports.

The wildcat strike is expected to cause delays and incur extra fees for importers and exporters. Container movements at the North Port l and West Port depot gate areas have been at a standstill due to the strike.

Port Klang processed 2.46 million TEUs (20-foot equivalent units) in the first quarter of the year, up 9.1 percent from the same period a year ago.

Photo: eutrophication&hypoxia