BIR issues guidelines for importer, broker accreditation


ID-10057485THE Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) has set the requirements and guidelines for the accreditation of Philippine importers and brokers.

Under Revenue Memorandum Order No. 10-2014, dated February 10 and signed by Internal Revenue commissioner Kim Henares, importers and brokers need to seek an Importer Clearance Certificate (ICC) and Broker Clearance Certificate (BCC) from the BIR as the first stage of accreditation process that will enable them to import and transact business with Customs.

In the second and final stage of accreditation, importers and brokers will present the ICC and BCC to the Bureau of Customs (BOC) to be able to enter the customs premises.

The BOC has yet to issue a Customs Memorandum Order on the rules and regulations covering the second stage.

The accreditation of importers and brokers was imposed by the Department of Finance, the mother agency of BIR and BOC, under Department Order No. 12-2014 as part of the revamp of the customs bureau. The function was previously exercised by the BOC’s Interim Customs Accreditation Unit (ICARE).

The Accounts Receivable Monitoring Division (ARMD) of the BIR will receive all applications and supporting documents required by the BIR, according to the guidelines.

The ARMD will verify the accuracy of documents, determine the applicant’s compliance, find out if the applicant is using the Electronic Filing and Payment System or Inter-Active Forms system of the BIR in filing tax returns and paying taxes and has resolved tax cases; and monitor the accredited importers and brokers.

All applications for accreditations will have to be filed directly with the ARMD with applicants appearing personally at the unit.

Processing of application will take 15 working days. Once approved, the ICC and BCC will be valid for three years, unless revoked or cancelled earlier.

The ARMD will conduct periodic verification of compliance by accredited importers and brokers on a semestral basis or more often if necessary, RMO 10-2014 said.

BIR’s Systems Development Division (SDD) will develop a script for the regular extraction of data from existing BIR information technology systems to facilitate the ARMD’s conduct of the periodic compliance verification and tracking of, among others, data that will be transferred to the Data Warehouse Systems Operations Division (DWSD).

The DWSD will then check and accept the script developed by SDD for the regular extraction of tax compliance data of taxpayers who are applying for accreditation or who have been accredited after complying with the existing issuance on script turnover procedures and requirements.

Requirements under RMO 10-2014 are almost the same as those of the ICARE, such as a mayor’s permit and a certificate of good standing with the BIR.

The accreditation and disaccreditation of importers and customs brokers will be approved by the chief of the ARMD.

Disaccredited importers or brokers can file for a reaccreditation one year after being disaccredited. They can also file for reconsideration with the Internal Revenue commissioner on any decision of the assistant commissioner for Collection Service.

The ICC and BCC may also be cancelled or revoked by the BIR upon discovery of any valid or compelling causes or reasons to do so.

Valid accreditation certificates issued by the BOC’s ICARE unit prior to the order took effect will remain valid until their expiry dates, and must be renewed three months before the expiration.

Pending applications filed with ICARE will be transmitted to the BIR and be prioritized, but will be covered by the new accreditation policies and procedures.

Renewal applications submitted to ICARE that were pending when the DO No 12-2014 was issued will still be processed by the BOC, while applications for renewal will be treated as new applications by the BIR. –– Roumina M. Pablo

Image courtesy of Naypong  /


    • I can’t download the powerpoint. It says I need to pay to subscribe to scribd website. Is there anywhere else I can download the powerpoint?

    • You don’t need to pay scribd to download document. All you need is a Google or a Facebook account to enter the site.

      We’ve emailed the BIR powerpoint presentation for your reference.

      You may also be interested in the Cargo Transport Summit we are conducting togethre with the Philippine International Seafeight Forwarders Association on July 15, 2014 at the Midas Hotel Tent Hall 1 (1 to 6pm). Various transport issues will be discussed, including the BIR and BOC accreditation for importers and customs brokers, penalties for illegally operating PUVs, port congestion and the truck ban.

    • We apply our ICC Certification last June 20. Can I know when we can get our original copy? Thanks

    • There is really no telling when your company can get your accreditation at the BIR. The BIR official in charge of the accreditation has herself admitted that they have limited personnel to attend to all the applications.

      You may want to follow this link for follow up schedule of your accreditation —

      I hope you have also applied with the Bureau of Customs because the July 31 deadline is not going to be extended. According to BOC officials, the stub or official receipt from the BIR (even if your application is pending) is enough proof for BOC to process your application.

  1. I’m from cebu and the BIR cebu branch said that they are not issuing the BCC. They said that I should go to Manila to get my BCC. Only BIR manila can issue the BCC?

  2. Hi Maam!

    We are the importer with regards to the accreditation under BIR-ICC.
    Our Custom Accreditation renewed last March 05,2014 and expired on March 05,2015..Are we exempted for this new rulings? or we to apply pa din accreditation to BIR for BIR-ICC issuance..

    Your promt reply will be highly appreciated

  3. Hi Maam,
    we are importer from Cebu after we complete the requirements saan poh namin ito isasubmit sa BIR napoh o sa ICARE…

    • Have you submitted your requirements to BIR? That is the first step. If you haven’t then you have to do this with the BIR head office in Manila so you can get your BIR ICC.

      After you get your BIR ICC, you need to secure a separate accreditation from the BOC Accounts Management Office (AMO) so you can transact with the bureau. If you’re from Cebu, you may do that with the Office of the District Collector, who shall then indorse said application to BOC-AMO.

      You may want to call 527-1968 or 527-8259 (BOC public information and assistance division in Manila) to confirm.

  4. hi mam may I have the sample of board of members background info? isa po kc un sa mga requirements dba.. hope to receive feedback soon po. tnx

    • Sorry but we don’t have a sample of that. But from what I understand from the requirement, a short narrative of your board member’s work and educational information may suffice. Thanks.

  5. Hello Miss Liza,

    We are required to process BIR-ICC prior to Custom Importation Accreditation, can I have all the list of requirements for Applicants categorized as non-individual/corporation? Can I have the guidelines and steps in applications re ICC as well? Been calling BIR many times to get the list but unfortunately liable department are not taking my calls.

    Looking forward for you prompt response.


    • From what we’ve been told, it’s taking a while because the BIR seems ill equipped with the number of applications for accreditation — this is why the Department of Finance recently extended the deadline for securing BIR ICC or BIR BCC to June 30, 2014 — or the original expiration of an importer or brokers’ BOC accreditation, whichever comes earlier.

      For complete story, please click

    • I understand from RMO that responsible officer should go personally,is liaison officers are allowed to process the accreditation on our behalf if in case?

    • Depends on the kind of entity your company is. Based on the RMO, the guidelines are as follows:

      • Applications for accreditation shall be filed directly and by personal appearance to the ARMD;

      • Application forms shall be accomplished by:

      – applicant himself

      – by any of the partners

      Corporation/Cooperative/Association and other non-individual entities
      – by any responsible and ranking officer of the non-individual entity whose authority to act as such is contained in a Board Resolution (evidenced by a Secretary’s Certificate)

      If you are a corporation, you’d need a BOARD RESOLUTION (evidenced by a Secretary’s Certificate) to appoint a “responsible and ranking officer” to apply for accreditation on your behalf.

  6. hi maam we are PEZA Registered importers and Part of Ecozone Areas
    do we still need to File the Said ICC accreditation to BIR? our CPRS was not under by ICARE.

    • The problem with BIR Revenue Memorandum Order 10-2014, which requires the BIR importer clearance certificate (ICC) for all importers and BIR customs broker certificate clearance for all customs brokers, , is that it’s not clear on whether PEZA-registered firms are covered.

      But please note that under one of the RMO’s provisions, it identifies “Importer” as “any person who brings goods into the Philippines, whether or not made in the course of his trade or business. It includes non-exempt persons or entities who acquire tax-free imported goods from exempt persons, entities or agencies.”

      From what we understand, the intention of BIR is for ALL importers, including those under PEZA, to secure the ICC.

    • hi maam after securing the ICC from BIR do we need to secure the accreditation to BOC cause our company’s accreditation will expire this November 2014 thanks u maam.

    • Yes, you have to secure separate accreditation from the BOC to be able to transact with them.

      You may want to call 527-1968 or 527-8259 (BOC public information and assistance division in Manila) to confirm.

  7. Hello.. Mam Liza,
    I would like to ask regarding sa requirements ng accreditation of importer..pwede ba original copy ang e submit? Kasi if we need to have certified true copy its takes too long time to wait. The deadline is only end of this month, so if we will wait for the certified true copy baka na namin mahabol. We are regular importers every month, i am afraid baka ma hold yong shipment namin. Hoping for your immediate reply. I cannot contact the number given to me by BIR cebu.

    • Hi, I’m not too sure if BIR will accept the originals of your documents.

      Also it does not seem prudent for your company to file those originals — what if the BIR head office misplaces those documents? Please take note that the BIR is processing thousands upon thousands of importer applications under the BIR ICC…. one never really knows what kind of filing system they have…

      Based on the BIR RMO, “Certified True Copy” of the documents shall mean that the certification must be made by the proper custodian of the document.

      I imagine that the “proper custodian” is either the owner of the company or maybe the corporate secretary? Their certification shouldn’t be too hard to get.

      To be on the safe side, why don’t you just comply with the regulation and submit certified true copies of your documents? You still have 3 weeks before the deadline.

      And besides like I said, it would be a bigger headache on your part if for some reason the originals you submitted get lost in the BIR filing system…

      Hope this helps.

  8. Mam, after the deadline can we still comply with the requirements at the Bir as broker?

    • I am not too sure if there are any moves by the BIR to further extend the June 30 deadline for ICC and BCC accreditation.

      Under the rules, the deadline for registration is June 30 or the original expiration of an importer or broker’s BOC accreditation, whichever comes earlier. So if your registration expires after June 30, then you have some leeway with the registration but if your accreditation expires before, then you absolutely have to register by June 30.

  9. Mam,pag nasa amin na po ung mga documents from bir, anu po ba susunod na gagawin?at anu-ano ang mga dadalhin sa bir-manila?

  10. One of the requirements for SEC Certificate of Good Standing is an audited financial statements. However, we’re not yet done with the Dec 2013 audit and this will not be finished before the June 30, 2014 deadline. Is there any alternative in order to have the the SEC Certificate of GS? What needs to be done in this kind scenario? Can we submit to BIR pending submission of the SEC Cert of GS?


    • Under the BIR rules on importer accreditation (RMO 10-2-14), please note that what is required is the LATEST AITR filed together with the audited FS. Based on that provision, it seems clear that you may file whatever LATEST documents that your company has.

      You may want to go to to review BIR requirements on ICC accreditation. That presentation was made by Rosana San Vicente, the one in charge of accreditation at the BIR, during one of the seminars sponsored by PortCalls.

  11. Ma’am Liza,
    Ask ko lang po kung bago palang po kame mag aapply as importer ano po yung mga needed requirements po na kailangan naming i process. Pwede nyo po ba kaming mabigyan ng sample of Letter of Authorization at sample format ng Secretary’s Certificate? Thank you very much po.

  12. under po kami ng BOI, need pa rin po ba kami kumuha ng ICC from BIR. zero -rated po kami, but if we have importation we always paid VAT, but in filing our vat returns, di na po namin nilalagay importation namin, just the export/sales..and besides, sa BIR registration namin di naman kami talaga importer, manufacturing kami, yun nga lang po, yung RM namin imported, kaya we need to import. Pls, if u can give us guidelines paano po ang gagawin. Thanks

    • We referred your question to BOC Deputy Commissioner for Assessment and Operations Coordinating Group Atty Agaton Uvero. He said your company still needs to be accredited because you import your raw mats.

  13. hi, ma’am Liza,
    since we’re so confused with those new guidelines, and since our broker was unable to give us straight answer also.
    my questions are,
    #1) our accreditation will expires on july 01, 2014,and fortunately we already have OR and claim stub of BIR.ICC, and already in processed of securing I-CARE or AMO w/ b.o.c, may i know the # of working days in able to secure the accreditation from boc?

    #2) since my accreditation w/ boc will expire on this july 01 or june 30, however, my incoming shipments will depart from port of origin on june 23, and arriving in port of manila after the date of expiration…. will boc still process my shipment?
    and from new memorandum order of DOF section 6 stated ” the boc will still process the late shipment provided the importer must proof that the shipment depart from port of origin on or before 30-june?
    ma’am , please clarify and reply to my email..thank you

    • Re your questions:

      1) According to BOC Deputy Commissioner for Assessment and Operations Coordinating Group Atty Agaton Uvero, you still have 30 days from expiration of your accreditation (or until end August) to work on your BOC accreditation. Atty Uvero said as long as your documents are in order, then your BOC accreditation should be released very soon.

      2) According again to DepComm Uvero, the BOC will still process your shipments because the June 23 departure of your shipment falls within the 30-day window (before end August) that the BOC is giving you to process your accreditation with the bureau.

  14. Hi Ma’am,
    I am from Davao and we submitted our documents with BIR Central Office on April 1, 2014.
    However, we have not yet received the ICC which normally takes 15 days.
    We have settled all of our “Open Cases” with RDO 132 but our ICC has not yet been issued.
    Our Customs Accreditation with ICare has already expired.
    What shall we do?

    • You did not say exactly when your accreditation expired but please note that under the BOC rules on accreditation, you only have 30 days FROM THE TIME YOUR accreditation expires to secure your BOC accreditation.

      I have a slight suspicion though that you may have already missed the 30-day window. If that is the case and you still have no BIR ICC in your possession, BOC Deputy Commissioner for Assessment and Operations Coordinating Group Atty Agaton Uvero said he’s willing to help you. If you find yourself in Manila, go to his office at the BOC. His secretary’s name is Andrea (phone 527-4506 / 527-4517). Otherwise you may email DepComm Uvero at

  15. hi mam liza, magpapacertified true copy pa lang ako sa SEC and BIR nung mga requirements. mabilis ba makuha uun? worry ko kasi e baka hindi namin makuha this week. also, makakapag import ba kami kung on going pa yung application ng BIR-ICC? thanks for your prompt reply

    • We have anecdotal information that it unfortunately takes a while before you can secure your certified true copies from SEC and BIR.

      You may still be able to import as long as your BOC accreditation has not expired. But if it has expired, you still have 30 days to work on your BOC ICC before your company is subject to delisting from the CPRS.

    • Can I request the memo or anything saying that we still have 30 days before we can be delisted po. Thank you!

    • That ruling is a direct quote from BOC Deputy Commissioner for Assessment and Operations Coordinating Group Atty Agaton Uvero.

    • But no memo ma’am right? My worry here is that we may be penalized on our imports after the expiration but before the end of the 30-day window.

      Thanks in advance!

    • Please read latest DOF order just out TODAY —

      There’s a provision there that says, “Failure to file the proper application with the Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) and the Bureau of Customs (BOC) by the date stated in the immediately preceding paragraph (July 31), and in the manner prescribed by the pertinent rules, shall result in the automatic cancellation of the existing accreditation, if any, effective 1 August 2014 or the date of expiration as indicated in the original BOC accreditation, whichever is earlier.”

  16. Hi po. Isasubmit pa lang po namin yung requirements namin for BIR-ICC. Ang tanong ko lang po, once po ba on process na ang ICC at inabot po ng June 30 pero di pa po release ang ICC ibig sabihin po ba invalid na Accreditation as Importer namin from BOC? Hoping for your response ma’am. Thank you so much po.

    • The answer lies in when your BOC accreditation expires, a detail which you did not provide.

      Please note that under the BOC accreditation rules, you still have 30 days FROM THE TIME your BOC accreditation expires to work on your BOC ICC. If your documents are all in order, then your BOC accreditation should be easy enough to secure.

      So if your BIR ICC accreditation is still pending and your BOC accreditation’s expiration is still some time away, then your imports will continue to be processed.

      But if your BOC accreditation expires anytime soon (for example July 1), then you only have 30 days from the time of expiration (August 1) before the BOC considers delisting you from the CPRS.

  17. ma’am as part of the requirements, amo po ung *undertaking ti comply w/ the duty to preserve and maintain records for a period of ten years and to allow access to examination by bir, boc and dof-fiu? letter po ba un, baka po meron kayo sample. thank you po

    • Sorry but I’m not a lawyer but it seems clear that an undertaking is a legal document. We suggest you get in touch with your corporate lawyer for this.

  18. Hi Ms. Liza,

    I am previously employed and just started my own business (Sole Proprietor), and I want to apply for an iCARE at BOC. First step is BIR-ICC, where can we get the application form? Can we download it in the web? Actually I just started March 2014, and currently just doing marketing pa lang; am I qualified for accreditation?
    Thank you.

    • Hi, the 30-day window applies to all importers and brokers whose BOC accreditations are expiring, regardless of when your accreditation expires.

      For example, if your accreditation expires on June 30, the BOC will give you 30 days or until end July before it delists your company from the CPRS.

  19. Hi Ma’am,

    Maeextend pa po ba ang application ng BIR ICC?
    Galing po kami kanina sa BIR Main kanina madaling araw at bukod samin madami pa ang hindi pa nakakapagprocess, dahil kulang daw sa evaluator kaya up to 300 applicants lang ang tinanggap.


    • There’s no word on any extension from the BIR.

      May we know when your BOC accreditation expires? You may still process your shipments if your ICARE accreditation has not yet expired. If it has, you still have 30 days before your company is delisted from the CRS.

  20. Hi Ma’am Liza,
    Would just like to enlighten, sa Transitory Provisions, nakalagay na
    “Valid accreditation certificates issued by the BOC’s iCare prior to the effectivity of this order shall remain valid until their expiry dates”
    Kung kakarenew ko lang last January 2014, does it mean na hindi ako kailangan mag apply nito. Please help.

    THanks so much in advance

    • Before we can answer your question, I need to know when your BOC accreditation expires. Please let us know.

  21. Hi Ms. Liza,

    Our accreditation will expire on August 2014, so we need to comply on or before June 30.Pano po pag hindi namin sya na comply by June 30? Is there any extension for the compliance? Ano po ba ang pwede naming gawin as an importer?


  22. Hi! Ma’am Liza,
    Ask ko lang po kc po mayroon na po ang company namin (where i am currently employed)ng ICARE (cert of accreditation will expires oct 7, 2014)at cert of registration s boc will expires oct 7, 2014.ang nature po ng business ng company q ay buying, selling, renting, leasing,operations of dwellings.Never p po kami nkapag import.ito po ba mam n mga documents q ay ito na po ba ung mga valid documents pra pkpag import? wala po aq nakikita n docs n galing po s bir? nu po pala mga requirements pra s BIR-ICC?Thanks po.hope to hear a prompt reply from you.

  23. HI Ms. Liza’,

    Please help us know how to make a follow-up of the status of our application to BOC.


  24. Hi Liza,

    I am an importer from Cebu. I am going to Manila on June 30 to apply for BIR-ICC. I may arrive in BIR office around 10 am. Is there a special lane for outside Manila applicants? I’m going back to Cebu that same day. I read through the messages previously, there is a long queu. I’m worried that I am going there for nothing if they will only accomodate 300 applicants.
    My BOC accreditation will expire on July 15, 2014. My documents are still lacking. Do you think it’s worthwhile going there on the 30th with incomplete documents? My lacking documents are just certified true copies. I hope to get a comment on my concern. Thanks.

    • Sorry for the late reply. I’m sure that you know by now (I’m assuming you’ve already been to Manila) that there is no special lane for applicants outside Metro Manila.

      In case you missed it, please note that the DOF very recently issued another new ruling — Under that, the BIR accrdditation has been extended to July 31. So you have until that time to process your application, if you haven’t done so already.

      FYI — we have a Cargo Transport Summit on July 15 — unfortunately it’s at the Midas Hotel in Pasay City (from 1 to 6pm). One of the topics for discussion is the accreditation of BIR and BOC. For all it’s worth, here’s the registration form link:

  25. Hi Ms. Liza,
    Good morning.
    One of the requirements for the BIR-BOC accreditation is original copy of NBI clearance. Just for clarification, for the corporation, all stockholders should submit an NBI clearance? If so, one of the stockholder po of our company is in the other country, needed pa po ba na magsubmit din sya ng NBI clearance?
    Appreciate so much your advise.

  26. Hi Ma’m Liza,

    We would like to seek help from you to get a sample copy of “Undertaking to comply with the duty to preserve and maintain records for a period of ten (10) years and to allow access to examination by the BIR, BOC, and the DOF-FIU”

    Hope you can help me soon so we could submit our application to BIR.


  27. Hello ms.liza ,

    Good day!. Our BOC accreditation will expire October 2014, so based on what you mentioned above , we can still be able to import, even if we don’t apply yet for the new ruling/ of the BIR which is to secure a BIR-ICC?.. Thanks in advance..

  28. Hi Mam, we have already finalize our application for icc and currently waiting for 15days assesment for the issuance of ICC certificate, bad thing is we still dont have that personal appearance, our board of director is a foreigner and really have difficulties in schedule. If ever he will do the appearance does he need to secure NBI clearance? Ive tried to contact ARMD to confirm but no one was answering, i asked my broker and said that they provide NBI clearance for their personal appearance, does this also apply to us importer? or for broker only? my superior advise me that we’l be going to BIR manila tom. for the appearance and im afraid that they would ask for NBI, we are from laguna pa po. hope to hear your advice the soonest. Thanks.

  29. HI ma’am, our company is Husbanding Agent of US Navy Vessels arriving Port of Subic, Manila, Cebu, Puerto Princesa. They have some spare parts and Food Provision that we’re sent to us in Subic BAy Freeport Zone. These shipment we’re directly consigned to MAster of the vessel and just c/o to our company, we’re not an Importer. Would like to ask if we will need to file for the ICC too?

  30. Hi Mam,
    How can we follow up the ARMD office regarding our certificate.That everytime we call their line always busy. Sometimes,we called early morning they answered that call back again “kasi kabubukas pa namin”. Then if we call in their requested time,hindi naman namin macontact,we thought that they hang their lines.To think,that we are from cebu,and calling them is so expensive,and it’s useless.
    They received our application last April,but until now there’s no reply from them. We called them to follow up before we fly para hindi naman masayang ang pera & oras namin.
    Hope we can get an assistance from you,regarding the direct line & direct person to be contacted for our concern.

    Here’s the number that we are calling,pero busy
    (02) 924-1552
    (02) 929-2310
    (02) 981-7296

    Thank you.

    • The BOC and BIR officials at the recently concluded Cargo Transport Summit said they don’t see any further extension to the July 31 deadline for accreditation at the BIR and BOC.

      If your company is one of those with pending applications at the BIR, you may apply to the BOC for your accreditation as long as you have proof (BIR stub or official receipt) that you have already applied with the BIR.

    • If “care of” means you’ll have to deal with the BOC in any way, then you’d still have to apply for accreditation, according to Deputy Commissioner for Operations Atty Agaton Uvero.

  31. Mam Liza ask ko lang po first time po naming mag-apply as importer and our application was process and stored last April 7, 2014. May expiration po ba ito at kung nagexpired na po paano ang gagawin namin? Ngayon pa lang po namin natapos ang BIR ICC namin at waiting for it release. Ano na po ba ang gagawin namin? Thanks po.

    • If you already have your BIR ICC, then the next step is to secure accreditation from the Bureau of Customs, otherwise you will not be able to import anything. Please note that the deadline for that is July 31.

  32. Ms. Liza, How the 30day window can be applied to us if our accreditation is valid until March 13, 2015. We are still completing the requirements of BIR ICC so we could also send our application to BOC. May I know if after July 31, can we still avail the 30-day window period? I just want to clarify also the authenticated annual income tax return requirement, our colleague just applied for certified true copy, would it suffice or we still need to get it authenticated. How about the audited financial statement as attachment? Is this authenticated also or just a certified true copy?

    • Please note that even if your accreditation is valid until March 2015, you MUST apply for accreditation with the BIR and then later with the BOC for your ICC by July 31. The July 31 deadline will also not likely be further extended.

      If you have applied with the BIR but your application is still pending, you may already apply with the BOC (in fact by this time, you should already have applied with the BOC) as long as you have a stub or official receipt as proof from the BIR that you have gone through their application process.

      The BIR requirement is for “authenticated AITR” and not a certified true copy.

      The audited financial statement also has to be authenticated, according to the BIR rule.

    • Hi Ms Liza,

      We have already applied for BIR ICC last June 17. Unfortunately it has not yet released. BOC honored the stub and accepted our application last July 25. With that, I would like to know if there’s a chance that our BOC Accreditation be released before July 31, 2014. If not, are we allowed to do import? All we have is the stub given by customs assessor.What are the next step we should take? Pls help.
      Thank you!

    • I’m not too sure if your BOC certificate will be released by end of July. But I don’t think that should be a cause for worry. BOC DepComm Atty Uvero has said that for companies with pending applications — and for as long as your company has been in good standing previously with the bureau — you may go on with your import shipments. The bureau will not hastily delist firms from the CPRS.

      As long as you have not been delisted, you may therefore continue importing.

  33. Hello
    We are a newly established company and just started operation July 2014.
    Can I immediately apply for a customs accreditation?

    thank you..

    • No, you may not apply for BOC accreditation. Before going to the BOC, you would first have to go through the BIR to secure a clearance. Only after you secure such clearance can you apply with the BOC.

      By the time you get this response you would, however, have missed the deadline (July 31) altogether.

      We are now waiting for guidance from BIR and BOC what to do about newly formed companies who have missed the deadline and companies denied accreditation for whatever reason.

  34. Good afternoon Ms. Liza,

    What if we can’t be able to comply with the deadline of BOC what will happen? we had the problem with SEC in issuing our certified true copy of GIS for the reason that they have not encoded yet our filed GIS last April 2014. where BIR is requiring us to submit this certified true copy GIS.

    I hope there’s a way to at least extend even 2 weeks pa for the processing with BOC.

    Thank you Ma’am.

    • Sorry as of today, BIR and BOC have not indicated any desire to extend the deadline.

      If you don’t have ICC accreditation from the BOC, you will be delisted from the Client Profile Registration System. This means you cannot import.

      Curious question: Did the BIR outrightly deny your application due to insufficient documents? Or, knowing that you did not have the certified true copy of the GIS, you did not even apply?

  35. Good afternoon Ms. Liza,
    Same situation with Ms. Lenielyn, we we’re not able to secure Certification of Good Standing from SEC, SEC didn’t accept filing of our latest Audited FS due to Auditors BOA Registration already expired,but they’re taking action now. Still we missed the set deadline by BIR and BOC.We know the fact that we must have BIR ICC or any proof(Stub/OR) from BIR before proceed with BOC.
    We would like to know what to do now that we already missed the deadline, can we proceed with application with BIR?
    Hope you can help us..

    • We heard from reliable sources that there will be a Department of Finance order that will be issued soon addressing companies in accreditation limbo.

      For now, you can no longer apply with the BIR because you missed yesterday’s deadline.

  36. Hi Ms Liza,
    Any news for newly formed company na hindi nakaabot sa BIR-ICC application?

    Thank you in advance..

  37. Hi Ma’am Liza,

    I just want to clarify our situation…We have submitted our documents to BIR last July 31. We get our BOC Endorsement the next day but it is also dated July 31 (this is one of the requirements of BOC). We submitted our documents last Aug. 8 at BOC Manila…I ask the Custom Officer if we can Import (provisional BOC Accreditation), he said…we can because we already submitted the documents, although late but it is on the deadline date (July 31). My question is, do we get this (provisional BOC Accreditation)? Is it okay that we import even if our ICC not yet released? Thank you Ma’am!

    • As long as you have provisional accreditation from the BOC, you may go ahead with your importation.

    • Sorry but it seems there is no telling how long the BIR application will take. As far as we know there are plans by the Department of Finance to release an order specifically addressing new importers.

  38. Greetings!

    What will happen to those who failed to process their ICC after July 31? Is there a chance to process again? If yes, for how long?

    God bless.

    • Is your company just waiting for your ICC accreditation (in which case you actually applied with the BIR on or before July 31 but your accreditation is still pending)? Or did your company NOT even file an application for ICC in the first place?

      If your company falls under the first criteria, then you need to wait for the release of your actual BIR ICC accreditation before you can apply for BOC accreditation.

      If your company falls under the second criteria, you will have to file for ICC as a “new importer” with the BIR.

  39. Hi Ms. Liza,
    I have concerns to ask po sana sa ICare since. Nung bago po kasi lumabas yung memorandum for ICC, our company had applied for Icare and we managed to get the certificate. Its indicated in the certificate “AMO” “Certificate of Accreditation as Importer” validity until March 2015. When we received the memorandum para sa ICC, we filed the requirements and managed to get the certificate last May. Do we still need to renew the AMO even it is valid until March 2015 already? Ganu po ba katagal ang proseso since we missed the deadline last July 31? Thanks.

    • Yes, you need to apply for new accreditation as importer with the BOC even if your AMO’s validity is March 2015 still.

      Please take note that under the new BOC accreditation rules for importers and customs brokers, an importer or broker should apply for accreditation with the BOC on or before July 31, 2014 — or the original expiration date of their BOC accreditation, WHICHEVER COMES EARLIER.

      In your case, the July 31 deadline for application came earlier. Since you missed that deadline, you may apply with the BOC for accreditation as importer but you would need to submit the ACTUAL ICC (not just proof of application) issued by the BIR.

      How long the process will take to secure fresh accreditation from the BOC we have no clear knowledge of.

    • Thank you for this information. May I ask if you happened to know a group where we could link in for all updates related to BOC and BIR being regular importer.

    • Based on our knowledge, there is no group or association that provides updates on BIR/BOC accreditation.

      You may want to register on our website to receive updates on customs and trade, including accreditation issues. Registration is free.

  40. Hi ms liza ,
    We already comply with the bir icc last june 30 ,2014, and up to now our certification not yet release
    But the bir head office gave me stub that our rdo branch are no reply for the verification until now
    And also my name she said is not in the database in bir. So i came to my rso branch to check
    Why my name is not included in the database . But they gave me a copy that im already in database
    What will i do.?

  41. May i know if there is a minimum working capital requirement for a Bureau of Customs to accredit a company as importer?Thanks.

  42. Hi, Ms. Liza,

    Our company has submitted all documents to BIR last July. Our import permit will expire on Oct 16, yet. Last Sep 3, we have received an email from CPRS that our import permit has been suspended. We have coordinated with our broker regarding this and we were asked to submit additional documents including the BIR-ICC (not just the stub, but the certificate itself) and the releasing of such took awhile. We have a shipment which has arrived last Aug 23 and has been tagged abandoned shipment. Last Oct 3, we have received an email from CPRS that our application has been reinstated. How do we proceed after this development? Can we now proceed with our importation activities, as usual? What process should we undertake regarding abandoned shipments and how long will this usually take?

    Your assistance will be highly appreciated. Thanks.

    • Now that your CPRS accreditation has been re-instated, you may resume your import activities.

      As for your shipment that has been tagged abandoned, the port’s (I’m assuming you shipped through Manila) Deputy Collector for Operations may lift such order upon your request. There is unfortunately no telling how long this process will take.

      I’m sure your customs broker will not mind if you consult him/her on exactly what should be done to appeal lifting of abandonment status.

  43. hi.. ma’am Liza I just want to ask kung meron po guidelines yung bir para po sa mga di po naka pag submit po ng requirements for ICC. nag expire po yung I-care namin last August 2014..thank you…

  44. We are a starting corporation, I just wanted to ask what are the steps on how to process a import license. Your immediate response is very appreciated.Thanks!

  45. Gud day po mam, paano po ba i download yung powerpoint?? may option po na log-in with facebook, pero ayaw naman mag forward sa log-in procedure… yung ibang log-in option naman, may bayad… thanks po…

  46. Ms. Liza we already submitted our application for ICC and paid the processing fee last October 03,2014.. kelan po ba yun ma re-release?
    and ano po mga requirements ng BoC for accreditation? salamat po..

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